Succorfish Installer App
Succorfish Installer App – This fully integrated App allows approved installers to manage the install and activate process for Succorfish hardware. The App allows for Installs / uninstalls and inspections, links to the warranty procedures and contains guides for fitting the hardware as well as legal documents. By using the App installers can test if their device is reporting and complete all the necessary paperwork whilst on the job, saving time and ensuring that the customer is happy knowing that their device as been installed correctly.
The App requires a username and Password which will be issued to approved installers only, ensuring management and security standards are adhered to at all times.
Technology Used: Android (Kotlin), iOS (Swift)
Combat Diver
Combat Diver app is enterprise app and provide support to particular organisation. App is developed for divers who need underwater communications. With help of SC4 device, app will send/receive message from diver to app. App contains feature of BLE configuration, Firmware update, managing contacts and realtime messaging system.
There are features also available like alerts on low Air, continue RPM and distance of diver from boat. App need login credentials which will be issued to approved users only.
Technology Used: Android (Kotlin), iOS (Swift)

Core Body Temp app
Wireless Core Body temperature monitoring system app is developed for sports industry to study temperature response in collage and professional football players. App connects with BLE device monitor and monitor fetch temperature regularly from CorTemp Sensors. It will help coaching team to monitor player’s body temperature and suggest them when to take rest and cool down the body.
App provide the feature to add multiple players, set their maximum and minimum temperature to set alarm when go above/below the values. App provide feature of displaying live recording with feature of graphs, list and colourful events to make it more informative.
Coaching staff can have history of each player and feature to compare as well. This app is enterprise app and allowing authorised CorTemp customer to have access the app.
Technology Used: Android (Kotlin), iOS (Swift)
ECG Monitoring App
The ECG Monitoring app allows – in combination with the CardioScout ECG recorder – the first mobile resting ECG recording with the iPod, iPad and iPhone.
The derived ECG data are sent online via Bluetooth from the ECG recorder to the iOS device and displayed on the screen. The ECG data can be stored locally or – as an option – on a server. The server stored data can be visualised and handled with any web browser over a secure connection. In addition, the server stored data can be downloaded and processed into our resting ECG software.
The app further allows the manual collection and graphical presentation of weight, blood pressure and glucose levels.
Technology Used: Android (Kotlin), iOS (Swift)